My Top 5 Dark Christmas Horror Movies

Since I love horror movies and Christmas, I compiled a list of my favorite dark horror movies that take place during the holiday. I ranked them with #1 being the best of all time (to me). They are all FREE to watch, so if you haven’t seen them, go ahead and check them out. I can’t wait to hear what you think about them. If your favorite Christmas horror movie isn’t on this list, let me know because I probably haven’t seen it yet.

5. Rare Exports (2010)

When you dig up a rare commodity, it’s easy to ignore its evil motives when you’re blinded by dollar signs. This Finnish film was full of suspense as it painted Santa Clause in a different light. If you like the myths and don’t mind reading subtitles, watch Rare Exports on Tubi.


4. The Children (2008)

To have to choose between your children and your own safety and survival is a tough pill to swallow. There were scenes in this movie that made me cringe and thank the stars that I wasn’t any of the characters. It’s worth a watch if you have a strong stomach and like your horror with tons of suspense. This one is free on Tubi.


3. Black Christmas (1974)

It’s the holidays, and campus is ready for Christmas…but there is a serial killer on the loose. This is a classic and I love it for the subtleties and suspense that a lot of horror classics embody. If you like psychological horror, this one is for you. The whole movie is free on Youtube (and don’t worry. the quality is great).


2. Better watch out (2016)

Home Alone meets Scream when two teenagers find themselves trapped by a psychotic killer. The first twist threw me. Like literally my mouth dropped open. I plan on watching it again this winter because the ending was awesome (LOL). It’s a fun dark movie for slasher lovers. Find it free on Tubi.

  1. Dead End (2003)

    I have to admit that I’m biased when it comes to this movie. It's been a favorite of mine since I was a teenager in the early 2000s. I was OVERJOYED when I saw it in Tubi’s library. A family heads out to Christmas dinner only to get stuck on a road to nowhere. This is a creepy fun watch and a must-see for those who like horror movies in general.


I hope you enjoyed this list and that you have time to comment or check these films out if you haven’t seen them already. If you like dark horror books, check out my latest release, The Haunting of Gallagher Hotel. Readers have described it as ‘compelling’ ‘creepy’ and ‘twisted’ much like the movies on this list. The eBook is 0.99 until January 5th, so hurry and get it while it’s on sale, or read it free with Kindle Unlimited.

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Kyla Ross