The Classic Corner: A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

Every now again, I indulge in the classics. Well, they're classics to me. If I thoroughly enjoy it, I will post a short review for it. This time around, I'm going to share my thoughts on A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. Yes, I posted this to Goodreads and in my Facebook group already (duh). But after having another listen, I thought it  appropriate to add it to Kyrobook's Classic Corner.

A Clockwork Orange By Anthony Burgess

Genre: Dystopia, Sci-fi

5/5 stars

Easily one of my favorite books of all time. Alex is a violent, naïve teenager who is placed in the hands of the government during an upcoming election. Blindly, he submits himself as a guinea pig for an experimental reformation study. Poor Alex endures forced psychological trauma only to end up going through a change we are familiar with. I got this on audible because of the slang. I was able to catch on by chapter two thanks to the amazing narration. Now, I'm getting the hard back to add to my collection. This is an absolute must read for those who like dark fiction, dystopia, or psychological thrillers.